Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PRAYING what we believe...

Those who want to "revise" the Christian faith talk about throwing out the Nicene Creed. They quibble over all kinds of arcane arguments and assert that they are too smart to believe what a bunch of stoopid Christians thought in the past.

But Anglicanism, done well, encourages the healthy integration of prayer and belief. Our doctrines are embedded in our worship - they are part and parcel of our spiritual life.

And so what a blessing to find Torre Bissell's Praying the Nicene Creed over at Lent & Beyond. Torre is a great man of prayer and leads intercessory ministry in the Diocese of Albany (NY):

Praying The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank you for being one and thank you for your love for one another. Please help me, help your people live in the reality of your unity and love. Thank you.
the Father Almighty,
Father, thank you for being a father to me. Thank you that by your might you have made your son Jesus known to us so that we can become your children.
maker of heaven and earth,
Thank you, Father, for your creation. Please help us by your Holy Spirit to be better stewards of your creation.
and of all things visible and invisible;
Father, we know that we are surrounded by your angelic hosts and that whole company of heaven, that cloud of witnesses that has gone before us. Help us to be steady in you till we reach that place of rest. Thank you.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
Father, guide us by your Holy Spirit so that every other "lord" in our lives is brought under the sovereign rule of Jesus and he becomes our one Lord. Thank you.
the only begotten Son of God,
Father, thank you for sending your one and only son to us so that we might become your children.
begotten of his Father before all worlds,
Jesus, you have always been there; help us receive you into every part of our lives.
God of God, Light of Light,
Jesus, you are God and you are the light to take us through this time of darkness in the church. You are the word of God and are a lamp to our feet.
very God of very God,
Jesus, you and the Father are one; please help us come to know you and him better.
begotten, not made,
Father, thank you for choosing Mary to bring Jesus to us. Help us to respond as she did.
being of one substance with the Father;
Jesus, you came to us bearing the image of the Father so that we might know his love for us. You are one with him and there is no division between you. Please help us by your Holy Spirit to know the unity and character that you share with the Father.
by whom all things were made;
Jesus, everything we have was made by you, there is nothing that we can have that we can call our own except for your cross and resurrection. It is all a free gift of yours; thank you.
who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven,
Jesus, thank you for being willing to give up the glory of heaven to come and live with us. Thank you that day by day your Holy Spirit is willing to live in us in the midst of all our sin.
and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
Holy Spirit, thank you for Mary's willingness to receive your over-shadowing and her willingness to risk all to bear Jesus for us.
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
Thank you, Jesus, for what you endured on the cross for us.
he suffered and was buried;
Jesus, thank you for dying for us while we were still sinners. You went to the cross and the grave for us because of your love for your father and for us. Thank you.
and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures,
Holy Spirit, thank you that you enabled Jesus to rise from the dead. Thank you for his victory over sin and death. Please bring us to new life in him.
and ascended into heaven,
Jesus, thank you for your ascension into heaven to sit at the right hand of your father. Thank you that you ever live to make intercession for us.
and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
Father, thank you for giving Jesus such a place of honor; please help us honor him by our words and deeds and belief.
and he shall come again, with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead;
Jesus, you are Lord and you are judge; help us to fall into your hands and not the hands of men.
whose kingdom shall have no end.
Thank you, Jesus, for your endurance to the end on the cross. Thank you for establishing an eternal kingdom.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, and Giver of Life,
Father, we desperately need the renewing power of your Holy Spirit in the life of the Episcopal Church
who proceedeth from the Father and the Son;
Holy Spirit, thank you for helping us know both the Father and the Son!
who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified;
Holy Spirit, please help us know you, worship you, and glorify you.
who spake by the Prophets.
Thank you for your word in Scripture and your words to us today.
And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
Holy Spirit, I believe that apostolic teaching which has been taught in all places and in all times. Thank you for the faith that you delivered to the saints. Help us to keep steady in your teaching and grace. Thank you.
I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins;
Jesus, thank you for washing away my sins. Thank you for baptizing me with your Holy Spirit. Please help me to live day by day in the hope of the resurrection. Thank you.
and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, please help us live in the hope of the resurrection and the life of the world to come. Thank you.

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