Thursday, July 30, 2009

My wife is received into a venerable spiritual tradition

<- My wife Melissa and Brother Benet, OSB, approach the altar at Blue Cloud Abbey near Marvin, SD. Melissa is about to sign her commitment as an Oblate of the Abbey. She will be keeping up a pattern of daily prayer that she's worked at for the past year, along with spiritual reading, reflection and life application.

The Benedictine order had a strong influence on Anglican spirituality. Benedictine emphasis on "the work of prayer" as the defining quality of each day is in The Book of Common Prayer's "Daily Offices" of prayer and Scripture, in particular the reading of Psalms. (See "DAILY MORNING/EVENING PRAYER" in my links to the right).

Benedict's Rule emphasizes stable community life and normal daily work among its Christian disciplines. This fit well with Anglican spirituality as it took shape in a culture that was still centered in farm villages or cities built around Abbeys, Churches and Cathedrals with regular daily prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is simply outstanding. Congratulations, Melissa, and may the Lord's strength provide the perseverance in discipline - to all of our benefit.