Friday, July 11, 2008

More ammunition for "Rosebud Day 6"

  • The following email came from a staff member at White Eagle Christian Academy on the Rosebud: Thank you so very much for your care and concern for our people. It is churches and leaders like you who are key to defeating the enemy of us all. God richly bless you. I will rerspond in depth as quickly as possible.
  • Jill Woodliff of Lent & Beyond emailed to suggest Psalm 133 as a help to our prayers. It emphasizes the goodness and power of Christian unity, a theme picked up in today's reflection on "lifting the shield of faith." I am fasting today and have marked the Psalm for recollection and reflection.
  • Psalms 85 and 86 showed up in my morning readings the last two days. Both contain strong prayers for divine help; for turning away from evil and false gods; for the blessing of lands and peoples; and for help to walk in God's ways.
  • This idea of "the path" is important - if you visit the White Eagle site (link above), you can find a Lakota explanation of Jesus as "the trail" (canku, pr. chan-KU).

Thank you for your prayers and sharing in this campaign.

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