Dear Friends in Christ,
I noted the terrible suicide problem on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in this post. The Tribal Chairman has called for a "war on suicide." Please use the link to the newspaper article and note the statistics in the sidebar.
Members of the American Anglican Council/South Dakota Chapter will be entering 40 days of prayer and fasting as a small part in this war, starting tomorrow (Sunday, July 6). Other readers of this blog are certainly welcome to join in - just check this site daily for prayer guidance and feel free to post comments if God gives you insight to share.
The Tribe there has an official website.
But the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him my persecutors will stumble. They cannot defeat me.
Jeremiah 20:11
Please ask if you can post this on Stand Firm and T19 and perhaps Lent and Beyond.
I believe many Anglicans would want to know about and join in this prayer and fasting campaign.
I will bookmark your site and join you and the reservation. And also contact other intercessors.
Blessings, Georgia Smith
Tallahassee, FL
Thank you and God bless you, Georgia.
I know that folks at the other blogs check in here, so I will leave it to their discretion as to linking up.
I will have posts up first thing Sunday a.m. to start the campaign.
Father, I'll pray and I have asked the intercessors at St. Andrew Anglican Church in Versailles, KY to pray also.
I also posted notice of this here:
Bless you, Alice.
Count me in; I'll put a note in our bulletins for tomorrow and post a link on our church website.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on this people. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.
Thanks, jess! Where is your church?
We're a tiny little Ugandan startup in Lubbock TX. About 12 of us. But with a few prayer warriors among us! Wednesday I'll take this over to a little church in the Diocese of Ft. Worth; I know God will bless and strengthen this war on suicide.
12 is a great number for a start up, as we know from the Gospel!
God bless and prosper your ministry under the wonderful province of Uganda. And thank you for adding your prayers to this effort.
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