Monday, January 25, 2010

Now THAT's a snow angel

Argus Leader feature writer Jill Callison meets up with a 106 year old local woman and journal keeper. Among the lifetime of memories:

Marty's faith runs deep, perhaps preceding an event that took place when she taught school near Tyndall.

It was cold, bitterly cold, and the car she was riding in quit working. Her brother left to find help; Marty started walking to the school.
"I could feel myself freezing," she said. "Before you die, you become real, real warm. I got warm all over. I hollered for help, and it was no use to do that because no one could hear me."

Marty felt her knees weaken, and she began to tumble to the ground.
But, she said, someone or something stopped her, caught hold of her hand, led her across the field stubble to warmth and shelter.

"There was no one in sight, it was too cold for people to be out," she said.

Was it a miracle?

"Sure it was," Marty said. "It was some good angel. It wasn't meant for me to die."

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