Sunday, February 8, 2009

Amercian Anglican Council Commentary on the Most Recent Primates' Communique

Read Phil Ashey's analysis. He gives an accurate accounting of what's postive and what's inadequate in the Communique.

"Finally, we are grateful that in the Primates’ diagnosis of the sickness that threatens the soul of the Communion, they have called for a professionally mediated, face-to-face meeting of all the significant parties to the crisis in North America. For the first time they are including in Communion processes those orthodox and Biblically faithful Anglicans who have been sickened by the false gospel of TEC, and have fled to or sought refuge in other Provinces of the Communion.

Despite the accurate diagnosis for which we are thankful, the solutions set forth in the Communiqué fail to address the very “ecclesial deficit” the Primates described..."

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