Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement - update on our son

Hard headed guy, I guess. His nose is not broken. Because he wouldn't let the ER folks suture the cheek gash, it will leave a mark as it heals. But that's it.

I'm still trying to get all the blood out of his room, though.

Some clarity came out of all this. My wife and I realized that the status quo isn't working. There's just the two of us trying to provide what is essentially a 24/7 care need, and he's getting bigger and we're getting older. So we will begin looking into ways to secure more elaborate care for him.

We are blessed with good schools here and some good public and private agencies serving special needs. Our parish is supportive, and several women took my wife out for lunch the other day. It was welcome respite for her.

I'll get back to some blogging soon - there are some positive things to share on the ministry front. For now, my wife and I need to attend to "domestic policy" matters. Your prayers are felt here. God bless you.

1 comment:

David Handy+ said...

Although several days have passed since you posted this update, Tim, I just wanted you and Melissa to know that I'm glad that Joseph wasn't hurt more badly when he had that seizure.

I'm sure I speak for many when I say that I think you two have gone above and beyond the call of parental duty and done everything possible for your younger son in terms of caring for him at home. Bravo. But I suspect that the time has come, and is perhaps overdue, when you'll have to find another way of caring for his needs, that simply go beyond what even the most devoted parents can do on their own.

May our gracious God sustain and guide you in the difficult choices and times ahead.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6)