Friday, November 26, 2010

As if Northern Plains Anglicans weren't enough of a stretch...

Check out North Dakota's Father Oliver,

Frontier Orthodoxy | Orthodox Christian Historical Theology, Ethics, and/or Philosophy of Religion

Fr. Hall in Brookings turned me on to this blog. Some really good articles from the Priest of Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church in Fargo.

"A community centered around hustle, bustle, texting, and plastic is not a real community. Community is embracing someone who isn’t always “put together,” listening to the music of someone willing to play for dollars each day, watching out for the elderly around you, getting to know your neighbors in that cookie cutter house next door, owning a house that isn’t “cookie cutter,” sitting on your FRONT porch, fishing with your children, and having to take off work boots with dirt and/or manure in order to walk in with your sweaty socks and enjoy pumpkin pie made from real pumpkins from the garden–not a can–they didn’t grow in there, though mold could. Community is being connected to nature, because you see God at work, because it requires the efforts of more than one person, because nature IS community. We just happen to be God’s representative on the top (would that we gave thanks like it!). Community is Thanksgiving."


Miss Sippi said...

Not any more unlikely than our OCA parish in McComb, MS! Also with a fair share of gardeners and farmers. Thanks for posting, I'll bookmark Fr. Oliver's blog.

TLF+ said...

That's another wonderfully unexpected Orthodox presence, Miss Sippi! Do you all have a big St. Nicholas' event like the Fargo folks? (I served at and was married in a St. Nicholas' Church, so I have a soft spot.)