Friday, July 9, 2010

A creative presentation of Jesus where one might not expect

The cover of the July 7th issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) features "The Arrest of Christ" from Ireland's 9th century Book of Kells.

In the explanatory article inside, Dr. Thomas Cole does a commendable job of summarizing the Gospel message and the Christian symbolism of the illustration. Unfortunately, access to the full article requires a subscription - the link takes you to an extract only. If you can have a look (maybe you have a doctor in your family?), I think you will be impressed with how much he conveys with an economy of words.

Kudos to Dr. Cole. Not sure if he intended a witness or was just practicing fair scholarly comment on a work of art. But he gives us a good example of a calm, open presentation of the Christian message for a broader audience.

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