Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy 16th, Joey!

We're celebrating our younger son's birthday.

Next week begins an important season, as we start working with the school district and other agencies to plan his future vocational and living arrangements.

Join us in giving thanks for Joey. In some ways, his autism has been Jesus' tutorial for us, showing us priorities from a God's eye view. We've been challenged to get beyond convenient forms of "love" and get on to some of the real thing.

Your prayers are welcomed - join us in thanksgiving and praise to God for many blessings and much mercy through Joey's life, and in asking for guidance and blessing for the years ahead.


Deacon Vicky said...

Our second son (4th child) also turns 16 this year. He is an Asperger's person - in the autism spectrum. What a blessing he has been to our lives, even as we worry and fret over his future. God blesses us with the children he knows we need and can love and bless in return.

Happy birthday, Joey! We praise God for your life and ministry to all around you.

TLF+ said...

God bless your family and your service to God and the people, Deacon Vicky.