Friday, March 14, 2008

They messed with our missionaries, man...

Well, the House of Bishops (HOB) of The Episcopal "Church" (some now call it "EO" - the Episcopal Organization) all flew to Texas and decided to end most financial support for missionaries.

Thank God these weren't the folks in charge when Bishop Hare was riding around the Dakotas by horse and buggy, confirming thousands of Whites and Indians, and appealing for funds to build up Christian ministry on the Northern Plains.

1 comment:

TLF+ said...

OK, this is kinda lame and off topic, but those of us who took "Mass Class" with Fr. J. Robert Wright at General Seminary had our own version of this song...

The Eucharistic Man he got God on his side/he got the Saints and Apostles back him up from behind/he can whip out a hex from some Patristic text/he's a man on a mission/got a devious mind/there were people in a chapel/there was squirrels in the trees/the Eucharistic Man he was a followin' me/he said "Son, let me tell ya/get down upon your knees/I got a wafer for you/you will receive receive receive receive...

My wife's on retreat. I'm just a lonely blogger and I have to take the dog out now. Bye.