Friday, May 8, 2009

In the face of massive denominational decline, Episcopal General Convention takes up close to 20 Resolutions to advance LGBT entitlements in the chuch

Blogger Christopher Johnson lets the resolutions speak for themselves.

For those who don't know, the Episcopal Church does not have a formal confession of belief. What we believe is expressed in what we pray, through our Book of Common Prayer. The resolutions, almost certain to pass in the activist club atmosphere of General Convention, will specifically change the Marriage rite in the Prayer Book to allow for unions of "any two adults." This is not "local option," it is a complete change of the church's belief about marriage. This is not inclusion, this is dogma.

While the Marriage change to "two adults" is a crafty way of saying, "See? No slippery slope for polygamy or adult-child unions," another resolution dealing with licensing and ordination for ministry includes "gender identity or expression of gender identity" as protected classes. The church cannot say "no" to a bisexual, a cross-dresser, a sado-masochist or any number of other "identities" in and of themselves. This is another dogmatic change - "manner of life" is, at present, a criteria of evaluation.

So, with the passage of just these two of almost twenty such resolutions, "any two adults" can present themselves at the altar before a man in women's underwear and makeup and claim a "marriage" in the name of God.

Yes, it sounds like something played for laughs in a movie. You can put it in a Prayer Book and dress it up with God-talk but it is what it is - a mockery of the Christian church by those who, for any number of reasons, despise it.

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