Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Worth reading: "Forgiveness" by Larry D. Ellis

Forgiveness: Unleashing a Transformational Process

I just finished this and highly recommend it for personal or group study. Pretty good fare for Lent if you are still searching!

This is a decidedly Christian book - it is not a generic discussion of forgiveness but an honest look at the full message of Jesus. As a result, Ellis does a great job of separating cultural myths and platitudes from the God-centered teaching of Jesus.

A key idea is that we learn to "agree" with God - to see things as God sees them, even when we aren't up to acting on the agreement. He is honest about the hard work that true forgiveness involves, but inspires hope in the transformative power that God makes available through forgiveness - beginning in our hearts as we confess our need for and receive God's forgiveness.

Ellis is well read Biblically and theologically, and blessedly expresses this in language clear enough for any reader.

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