Friday, September 12, 2008

Shameless Parish Crowing

Good Shepherd, Sioux Falls
Average Sunday Attendance, Aug. '07 - 86
Average Sunday Attendance, Aug. '08 - 105
Thank you, Jesus, for building your church!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tim. Praise God.

Perhaps a little comparative perspective will help more people appreciate how unusual this sort of growth is in TEC these days.

For the ASA (ave. Sun. attendance) to jump up from 86 to 105 in 12 months is a whopping 22% increase. The vast majority of all churches (over 90%) in all denominations rarely see an increase of more than 10%. In fact, in the case of TEC (The Episcopal Church), 90% of Episcopal churches are either on a plateau or declining. Yeah, that's NINETY %. People are voting with their feet and leaving in many places. And in even more places, people are dying off, and no one is joining to replace them.

So, this is surely a cause for celebration. Thanks be to God.

Alice C. Linsley said...

May God grow the church there even beyond your ability to imagine.