Sunday, September 14, 2008

PLEASE pray for the House of Bishops... and apply today's Gospel

The Episcopal Church's House of Bishops meets in Salt Lake City this week.

Please intercede. If you need prayer guidance, there are good posts going up at the Anglican prayer blog Lent & Beyond.

I especially encourage your prayers for the Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori. It is easy to be aggravated and I'm the first to say that her "theology" is a departure from the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ, her lack of leadership skill is appalling, her treatment of people who disagree with her is... OK, I'm starting to rant.

But hear today's Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus gives us no wiggle room. His sacrifice on the cross is what erases every sin, known and unknown, public or secret, in our entire life. We are the servant who is forgiven the massive debt. We must be forgiving and merciful toward the few points at which the sins of the PB or other bishops or others in the church afflict us - and we must let our hearts be transformed to forgive in this way.

Father, give your Holy Spirit to the House of Bishops. And give the Holy Spirit to all of us, sinners. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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