Thursday, September 25, 2008

Local ABC news covers our outreach initiative

You can read it and see the video at this link.

The Moving Assistance Program came from prayer and discussion by Good Shepherd's Vestry. Craig Friedel (interviewed in the news piece) went out and asked city leaders about unmet needs - and MAP was the response. They have been moving folks every week for about seven months now. Their office is at Good Shepherd and the seed money and most of the start-up Board came from the parish - as did the donation of a moving trailer and several teams of movers along the way.

MAP now deploys teams from all kinds of community groups. Folks with disabilities, women and kids fleeing abuse and seniors are among those helped into better living conditions by the free moving service that came out of a Vestry planning day at a small parish.

Hope that story gives ya hope! With God, all things are possible. BTW the moves always end with a prayer circle (the folks being moved are invited to be part of it) and, if you watch the video, you will see "Christian Values" displayed prominently in the MAP logo.

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