Friday, November 9, 2007

Dr. John Maxwell on 2 John: "Leaders Must Cherish Truth..."

From the Maxwell Leadership Bible (2002):

Values: Leaders Must Cherish Truth More Than Anything (2 John 1-4)

Leaders need to examine their professional relationships in light of their organization's vision. Energy follows when the leader's personal beliefs align with the organization's values. When leaders eliminate hypocrisy and deception from their organizations, liberty and power prevail. John uses the word "truth" five times in this short letter to underscore the necessity of integrity.

Leaders must value truth more than anything else. When truth presides in an organization, several benefits result:
  1. Trust is evident among staff.
  2. The leader has less mental clutter.
  3. People feel the freedom to be transparent.
  4. The leader has credibility when he or she speaks.

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