Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Winter Storms

Many parts of the country are suffering under strong winter weather. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, in your Kingdom all creation gives glory and peace, and nothing causes harm. Bless us in this earthly life, with protection, comfort and solace in our times of distress.

As you protected Joseph and Mary on their journey to Bethlehem, so protect all travellers.

As you provided your Son warmth and safety in the womb of Mary, so bring warmth and shelter to those in need.

As the Advent of your Son brings light to those who dwell in the shadow of death, give rest and peace to those who have died in this harsh winter.

We give you thanks for all in emergency services, public works and utilities who labor for our comfort and safety. Bless their efforts and meet their needs.

We ask all this in Jesus' Name, who with you, Father, and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

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