Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Common Cause - we are part of something fresh

The American Anglican Council, of which we are a part, is a member of Common Cause. Visit the Common Cause site and give thanks that various Anglican reform groups are working together for a common witness to Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, Fr. Tim. This is an exciting and promising development. Of course, there's still a long way to go for this fledgling proto-province to evolve into a true new orthodox Anglican province. But the degree of cooperation already seen in the formation of this new conservative alliance is unprecedented.

As isolated as you are in SD, it must be heartening to know that you are part of a growing movement that is much, much larger than it may appear at first sight. Thanks be to God!

Chip Johnson+, SF, CoJ said...

Been there, done that...and it is truly great news for those of us caught in the middles in the hinterlands.

BTW, Tim+, great picture of "The Good Shepherd of the Snows".

Alice C. Linsley said...

This will be blessed beyond our ability to imagine, if the CCP leaders remain faithful, prayerful and humble.