Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NPA Facebook Page - picking up "Likes" and good content

NPA on FB just went over 100 "Likes." We are starting to get people from around the region and there are some folks working on more commentary and content. I'm liking the way that contributors are taking their time and coming up with thoughtful stuff, really searching out the quality contributions Anglican spirituality has to make.

Fr. Hall from Brookings has another good piece up about Daily Offices, the Anglican way of creating sacred time in the midst of normal days.

He's also posted some words from Bishop DeKoven, another of the missionary bishops who left the supportive structure and perks of Episcopalian life in their time and journeyed to a more challenging mission field.

The "Note" on Bishop Hare's statement that "the supreme desire and effort of a Christian should be to fix his own full gaze, and to fix the gaze of others, upon Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man" is getting comments, including an Anglican church planter and an Episcopal candidate for ordination.

On the FB page, we are staying away from the political fights - those can go on here on the blog and in many other venues as the institution destroys itself. What we're after on FB is finding the raw material to rebuild from the debris field that is coming.

So here at the blog, I'll still be posting some of the crazy, sad & bad news of Episcopal/Anglican chaos. There are some hard truths to be told for the good of God's people, and God calls spiritual leaders to sound warnings.

But if you have friends on the Northern Plains or the surrounding states, friends who might be unchurched or searching, who don't have an Episcopal/Anglican political axe to grind (or can at least let it hang in the wood shed for a bit), who want to dig out and inspect some treasures from a special chapter of Episcopal/Anglican mission history, point 'em to Northern Plains Anglicans on Facebook. God willing, we will preserve and polish some treasure for something wonderful, the blueprints of which are hidden with the Lord for now.

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