Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Against their denomination's incoherence, Lutherans gather in Huron, SD to seek a Biblical way forward

Gay clergy issue to be confronted The Daily Republic Mitchell, South Dakota (Short sign in may be required to access article).

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Are the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) leaders surprised that their incoherence is fragmenting their people?

The ELCA tried to assist congregations by having Zellmer speak at five meetings statewide last January, Marone said. Synod officials created fact cards about four positions that the national assembly voted on regarding homosexuality last August, aside from the gay clergy position. Congregations could take those positions and remain in the ELCA, she said.

The positions are:

* Same-gender sexual behavior is sinful.

* While homosexuality may not be sinful, it does not follow God’s original intention.

* Lifelong monogamous, same-sex relationships should be supported but not equated with marriage.

* Same-sex relationships should be supported and held to the same status as heterosexual marriage.

She said it’s up to each congregation to determine its own position and whether to stay in the ELCA.

Meanwhile, The Episcopal Church "consecrated" another unmarried, sexually active, same-sex attracted bishop. Didn't hear about it? Fr. Matt Kennedy's right there with you:

That the Episcopal Church--an evaporating pond already overstocked with committed Muslims, witches and wizards, Sufi dancers, labyrinths, cosmic techno masses, Buddhists, John Spong, Marcus Borg, John Chane, and, yes, many people who engage in sex acts with members of the same sex--tosses an episcopal lesbian into the stagnating water just isn't news. Its sadly obvious that they desperately wanted the attention. They rented an auditorium that seats tens of thousands of people. They were preparing for a vast media presence. You get the sense that they really wanted to recreate that old magic civil rights breaking the barriers feeling--that rush of exhilaration: "Look at me world! I'm a brave revolutionary! I am defending the downtrodden, upholding the outcast, including the excluded!" They wanted the crowds. They wanted the coverage. "Everybody look! Here we are, an historic church. And look what we are doing. We're consecrating a lesbian! Isn't that grand? Aren't we the embodiment of all that the masses long for?"

How disappointing it must have been when no one took much notice.


Scott said...

So few take notice, and so few actually show up. As they are reporting today on SF there was less than 1/2 of the crowed expected in attendance. Thanks be to God.

TLF+ said...

It was an LGBT event, not a church event. Very little news about the other person who was consecrated. Those who showed up were there to be with those like themselves, all the while braying about "inclusion."

TEC's decided to be a niche club for a very tiny group of people - LGBT&c who want to dress up in church stuff.