Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dame Juliana of Norwich: "I laughed loud and long"

"...I saw our Lord scorn [the devil's] malice and reduce his powerlessness to nothing, and he wills that we do the same thing. On account of this sight, I laughed loud and long, which made those around me laugh too, and their laughter was a pleasure to me. Then I thought I would like all my fellow Christians to have seen what I saw, for then they should all laugh with me. I didn't see Christ laugh, but I knew well that it was the sight he had shown me that had made me laugh. For I understood that we may laugh, comforting ourselves and rejoicing in God that the devil has been overcome."

Revelations of Divine Love (14th century), Del Mastro translation, Chapter 13: "The fifth revelation is that the temptation of the devil is overcome by the passion of Christ, giving us an increase of joy and the devil everlasting pain."

1 comment:

The Archer of the Forest said...

I've been to her cell in Norwich. Awesome place.