Friday, May 25, 2007

"Signposts on the Anglican Way"

Theological Education for the Anglican Communion (TEAC) met in Singapore during the second week of May. This working group released a statement called "Signposts on the Anglican Way," which in their own words "is not intended as a comprehensive definition of Anglicanism, but it does set in place signposts which guide Anglicans on their journey of self-understanding and Christian discipleship."

The four suggested signposts for the Anglican way are:

  1. Formed by Scripture
  2. Shaped through Worship
  3. Ordered for Communion
  4. Directed by God's Mission

It is a document worth reading, and a worthwhile follow up to our last post, "What Way Forward?"

What "signposts" should mark an Anglican way on the Northern Plains?


A few encouragements to prayer:

May the power of the Holy Spirit be with us at Pentecost. What a great day to contemplate what our God can do with just a few disciples, even people hiding out and not sure what to do. Pray that Christ will walk through locked doors and breathe the Spirit on all of us. If you aren't presently attending a local church, make it a point to study the Bible Lessons for this Sunday.

And blessings to all on this Memorial Day weekend. Let us pray for safety and refreshment for all travellers. Let us give thanks for our freedom and abundance. Let us prayerfully remember all those who have given their lives in military service, and intercede for all present military personnel and their families. Let us pray for peace and for the coming of Christ's kingdom.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore.

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